11th International School and Symposium
on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science
May 20-25, 2012, Kraków-Tyniec, Poland
ISSRNS is a series of meetings, organised every two years, devoted to recent advances and new techniques employing synchrotron radiation in physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and medicine.
Honorary Patronage
!!! Announcement - The deadline for manuscript submission has been extended until June 20, 2012. More information can be found in Proceedings.
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The 11th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science (ISSRNS'2012) will be organized by Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society (PTPS) in cooperation with the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland from 20th to 25th of May 2012 in Kraków-Tyniec (Poland).
ISSRNS is a traditional forum for discussing fundamental issues of application of the synchrotron radiation and related methods in natural sciences. The aim of this interdisciplinary meeting is to bring together scientists working with synchrotron radiation. The Symposium will focus on novel applications of synchrotron radiation in physics, chemistry, material science, biology and medicine.
The topics of the meeting include
- synchrotron radiation in nanoscience
- x-ray absorption, fluorescence and photoelectron spectroscopies
- x-ray magnetic dichroism
- x-ray diffraction: methods and applications
- macromolecular crystallography
- synchrotron radiation in life sciences
- applications of free electron lasers
- synchrotron and alternative radiation sources - instrumentation
The scientific programme of the Symposium includes invited lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions.