11th International School and Symposium
on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science
May 20-25, 2012, Kraków-Tyniec, Poland
The International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science takes place in Poland every two years since 1992. It is devoted to recent advances and new techniques employing synchrotron radiation in physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and medicine. The aim of this conference is to propagate the newest possibilities and achievements of the synchrotron related science as well as to enable the participants to learn and share the knowledge. Among the invited speakers are usually the specialists from synchrotron centers and the experts in different applications of the synchrotron radiation.
From the very first ISSRNS meeting organized in 1992, the idea of dissemination of knowledge on synchrotron radiation applications in Poland and integration of the community of Polish synchrotron radiation users proved to be very popular and successful. Nowadays, when Polish scientists carry out experiments in many synchrotron laboratories all over the world and have become members of the international community of synchrotron radiation users, these conferences transformed into a forum of sharing new results, new ideas of experiments and starting collaboration. Nevertheless, it partly retained its original character of “first step to synchrotron radiation” for our young colleagues. Of course, ISSRNS meetings owe their success mainly to the lecturers from various synchrotron and scientific centers in the world, in particular: J. Dove, V. Holý, G. Margaritondo, N. Mårtensson, G. Materlik, T.H. Metzger, D.L. Nagy, P.-O. Nilsson, J. Nordgren, B. Ravel, J.J. Rehr, W. Stirling, M. Taniguchi, E. Weckert, and many others.
Conference Site
The Royal City of Kraków, is the major center of education in Poland. More than ten university or academy-level institutions educate 170,000 students. Kraków, is now a city of culture and science, with 22 institutions of academic education, numerous theatres, cinemas, museums, galleries, music centers and cabarets. In 1978 Kraków was placed on the UNESCO list of world heritage. The town is located 219 m above sea level, on the Vistula River, 100 km from the Tatra Mountains and 300 km from Warsaw the recent capital of Poland. The historic centre of Kraków, the former capital of Poland (till the 17th century), is situated at the foot of the Royal Wawel Castle. The 13th-century merchants' town has Europe's largest market square and numerous historical houses, palaces and churches with their magnificent interiors. Further evidence of the town's fascinating history is provided by the remnants of the 14th-century fortifications and the medieval site of Kazimierz with its ancient synagogues in the southern part of town, Jagiellonian University and the Gothic cathedral on the Wawel hill where the kings of Poland were buried.

fot. S. Bożek
Tyniec is situated on the right bank of the Vistula river, in administrative city limit of Cracow, 12-13 km off the city centre. The picturesque region, hills, forest and the river attracts a number of visitors who wish to relax and get in some fresh air. Nine centuries ago Benedictines arrived at this place. On the rock by the Vistula river they built a monastery - abbacy, which emerges from the trees and reflects in the river.
The geographical location brought significant influence on history. The place required control and sometimes defence because the road was of strategic value. The Vistula river, in its upper reaches, was used to be political border in the Middle Ages, from the first to the third annexation and then during the time of Free City of Cracow"... for more go to: http://www.tyniec.benedyktyni.pl/en/guide-for-cloister/

Climate and Clothing
May in Poland is usually a nice month with plenty of sunshine and blooming trees and flowers. The temperature at this time of the year is about 15 °C – 25 °C during the day and 5 °C – 15 °C during the night. However, cold weather and rains may happen. Therefore warm clothes and umbrellas may be useful.
The Organizing Committee cannot accept any liability for medical or other problems. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to health and other insurance.
The official language of the Symposium is English.
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